Male child aged 2 yrs. C/O: cough and noise from the chest since 2 days. Mother sent me the recording of the noise. Child used to become irritable with cough >carrying over the shoulder.
Please note: The sound which you hear is called Stridor and it is mainly due to URTI. (Rhonchi you can hear through stethoscope and it is due to LRTI).
I gave Cina 1m OD and later Cham 1m OD without any considerable relief.
Then I referred complete repertory. Mind- Carried desire to be – fast cough during. Only remedy mentioned was Lobelia inflata. I gave in 200 potency tds 1 day.
And next morning mother called up to say the child is 80% better with good sleep in the night. In 2 days, child was completely alright