Dr. Prafull Vijayakar Sir’s Legacy to HOMEOPATHS

All articles are compiled by Ms. Lalitha Thirunavukarasu

Ms. Lalitha has completed BHMS from Father Muller’s Homeopathic Medical college in 2005. She also completed SCPH+ Course. She is the author of popular book “Miasmatic Rubric Vault”, for which she is commended for her in-depth understanding of rubrics of Complete Repertory.

Homeoguide is grateful to her for her invaluable contribution.


AUTISM Means CHILD doesn’t want to communicate the world. The connection to the world is lost. Why? This is the cause for Autism. No physical thing can cause such mental…


CANCER Cancer* – which is more of corporeal, nothing to do with mind. Mind can initiate the cancer, but, body cells to start multiplying.  Cancer* – it is the…


Duchenne muscular dystrophy DEFINITION Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a genetic disorder characterized by progressive muscle degeneration and weakness due to the alterations of a protein called dystrophin that helps…


Rubric was… Delusion sees places never seen before (Syphilitic) GANGRENE DEFINITION Dead tissue caused by an infection or lack/obstruction of blood flow. MIASM Syphilis LAYER 7th layer APPROACH OF THE…


NEPHROTIC SYNDROME MIASM Syco -;Syphilis Why kidney got affected…?? Forsaken abandoned Feeling. All Nephrotic syndrome kids are intellectual & precocious. BLOOD INVESTIGATIONS WITH INFERENCE If proteinuria present After remedy Proteinuria…


OPHTHALMOLOGICAL PROBLEMS “Eye originates from Neural ectoderm, ectoderm and mesoderm.” DEFINITION Any opacity of lens or it’s capsule causing visual impairment is called a cataract. LAYER Lens is derived from…


PARKINSON’S DISEASE ” A disorder of the central nervous system that affects movement with tremors.” ⬇️ Nerve cell damage in brain causes dopamine level to drop and leading to Parkinson’s…


Aurum is not a teacher but Ferrum is a teacher. Aur is mentally sensitive. Ferr is physically sensitive… What I said is right, I don’t care if people agree or…


PERIODICITY Child starts crying at 2am – 6am. Periodicity of Thuja. In childhood also, she used to cry in between the specific time – confirming Thuja. [Any complaints may be…


POSITIVENESS OF INDIVIDUALS* Ferr met and Ars They are the ones who will do their work meticulously according to rules and regulations with all the paper work nearly done. So…


Right brained people hurt predominantly on left side, they are more sensitive. Achievers are left brained people. When we ask question to a person,,, He or she looks at left…


People who smiles a lot, many times unnecessarily during the interview. They smile & laugh occasionally for petty things & we start wondering… What was funny? There are ladies who…


Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune condition which is where the body’s immune system attacks part of the body itself. In RA, the immune system attacks the lining of the…


URTICARIA Commonly called hives. PATHOLOGY It is characterized by localized mast cell degranulation and resultant dermal microvascular Hyperpermiability, culminating in pruritic oedematous plaques called wheals. It results from antigen induced…


Tips or quotes Allopathy is like pond or a river, you can reach the bottom and see what is there… But, Homoeopathy is like an Ocean,,, you can never reach…


MIASMSycosis excess personality is an “achiever”.His desires are more than he needs.{Ars, Ars Sulph Flav, Baryta Sulph, Bry, Zinc Phos}.Early Menses – Fall of Progesterone – HypoSycosisLate Menses – High…