A boy aged 5 yrs came to me for his treatment of recurrent haemangioma of the tongue. (operated once but recurred after 4 months). The ENT surgeon again insisted on surgery, I took the case and prescribed Phos 200 as constitutional. Though it reduced, again recurred after a month. It happened 3-4 times in 8 months. Last time when I just searched the repertory for the rubric Haemangioma of the tongue, I didn't find. Instead Angioma of the tongue in mouth section (complete) was there. Under that single medicine "Borax" was the only drug which was mentioned.
Complete repertory –
Mouth – Angioma of the tongue – Borax
I gave Borax 200 1 dose and the patient didn't come back for 7 months.

I almost forgotten him. Yesterday his father came and told me showing the picture that after 7 months it has come back.

This time I repeated Borax 1m 1 dose. The swelling has come down in 2 days.
Of course, it could be a state remedy and I still think, I am yet to find his Constitutional medicine. But these single medicine rubrics give us breathing space to think and also to win the confidence of the patient. Dr. Manohara Mysore KARNATAKA.
Very nice… Sir,Thank you for insisting us to give importance to the single remedy rubrics which is also very important in the practice.. Kindly keep posting such interesting cases.. Thank you sir..
Very nice sir..
Good learning
True sir, it will win the confidence of the patient.
Very helpful tip in clinical practice., Thanks Sir.
Very useful tips thanks sir
Plz share such type of cases & Rubric.
Thank you Sir for sharing the above case…we got to know the importance of single remedy rubric n it’s cure.
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